Join the 5 Day Profitable Product Idea Challenge

The Fast, Proven Way to Find Your Perfect & Highly-Profitable Online Course or Product Idea!

Do you know the BIGGEST reason that your next online course or product is likely to fail?

It's not marketing. It's not lack of traffic. And it's not even the content of your course...

It's the Big Idea behind it.

With the wrong idea -- your product or course is guaranteed to flop, deliver disappointing results and leave you shaking your head wondering "what went wrong??"

This leaves you right back at square one with nothing to show, feeling frustrated and unsure what to do next…

But having the right product or course idea?…

  •  For YOU -- it FEELS fantastic and gives you confidence that you're on the right track. It gets you unstuck, knowing exactly what actions to take next, even if you're not experienced
  • ​For your AUDIENCE -- it's such a perfect match for them and their current needs that it's like you're reading their mind
  • ​For your BUSINESS -- it captures attention powerfully, generates record profits and gives you the kind of excitement and energy you've always wanted

It's a "perfect storm" of awesome, but it can be tough to find.

When you are your business, perspective can be hard to get, and without the right help and guidance, you can spend years spinning, feeling stuck, waiting for lightning to strike.

Some end up waiting forever, losing their chance at making an impact on the world. And some push forward without the right idea, and their product falls flat, making barely a ripple in today's vast business ocean.

I don't want that to happen to you, and I'd love to help you find your perfect Profitable Product Idea, completely free.

The Profitable Product Idea Challenge is a proven, 
paint-by-numbers process that takes just 10-20 minutes a day 
to help you uncover your profitable product idea in 5 days.

You'll receive my guidance to help you leverage your knowledge, expertise, and wisdom into a 
profitable product idea with the potential to make an impact.
  • You'll receive a short training video each day over 5 days, followed by one fun, easy thing to do
  • ​I'll give you the tools, information and daily worksheets you'll need to complete each day's task quickly and easily

What Happens Each Day:

The 4 Proven Approaches to Online Course Creation

I'll show you FOUR easy & proven paint-by-numbers approaches to picking your perfect product idea. Simply pick one and you're off!.

The 20 Most Profitable Mega-Niches

Pick the perfect niche for you from my list of the 20 Most Profitable online course & product niches today

Identify Your Micro-Niche

Decide on your Profitable Topic with my E-Z Perfect Topic Checklist Creator

Define Your Target Audience

Discover your Most Profitable Target Audience using a simple Google trick I'll show you

State your Mission

Finally, craft your Profitable Product Mission Statement using my fill-in-the-blank template

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Live Your Message is a “choose your own adventure” online business coaching and training company. We get people so excited about changing their lives... that they stop dreaming and start doing.

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